Two Things...

This goes against the original account of his death, which finds him dead in a bathtub in his hotel room, down the hall from Meg Ryan.
Sorry, that was Val Kilmer.
His death has been surrounded by speculation (much as Jimi's, Bob's, and every other music icon that bought the farm), but the overdose-in-the-tub story is generally accepted. Naked Indian Optional.
This guy is now putting out a book, where he informs us of the true demise of Morrison. Supposedly he had some doctor guy come into the bathroom, confirm Morrison's death, then some drug dealers came in and picked up Morrison, dragged him to his apartment, then dumped him into a bathtub.
My question. Why, if this is the case, did it take 36 years for this important information to surface? According to what I read, there was a conspiracy to cover this up by the club owners, fearing scandal. If you ask me, which you always do, this smells of some dude trying to make a few bucks because he's old and poor now.
I prefer to remember Jim Morrison the way we all should... all pruny and wrinkly from dying from an overdose of heroin in the tub. Much more poetic that way.
And in my version, there is definitely a Naked Indian.