eBay Commercial.

Look, I know I'm late to the party with this, but eBay might just be one of the Best Things Ever.

I have found everything I could ever want on there and more so. Seriously, remember Brewster's Millions? If I was to get that kind of money, eBay would become my bitch so fast it would be forced to change it's URL to eBayThanksMatt.com.

Among the treasures I have purchased. The entire set of Frank Miller's Sin City graphic novels for roughly $60. In the store, that would have run me well over $100. I am currently awaiting an updated version of the game Oregon Trail. Yeah, that's right.

Several other graphic novels. A McNair Ravens jersey for Nichole. The entire run of The Greatest American Hero on DVD.

Matchbox cars, one of which is a Special Edition Knight Rider KITT. A Pac-Man lunchbox. Battle Beasts. Some Star-Com toys. An Atmosfear game from way back (scary game where you had to watch a VHS starring an Evil Guy along with the game)

And let's not forget my Darth Vader Toilet Seat cover. You can get a gander at that from my previous post about my bathroom.

My point, if I could be said to have one, is that eBay rules and I spend too much money there. I used to think Amazon.com was the shiznit, but I have since matured and moved on, as my purchase mentions should have already told you.

According to a recent email, Oregon Trail is en route. Can't wait to go hunting then die from dysentary.


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