New Technology Is Confusing.

So I guess when you get older, you're just allowed to not know how things work.

I was on my way back from getting dinner tonight, and I passed by two older folks getting out of their car after parking on the side of the road by a parking meter. This road has parking meters, which is the reason I am writing this entry you are currently loving the shit out of.

So they got out, and both of them walked up to the parking meter. Parking meters have apparently been around since the 1930's, the first of which was installed in Oklahoma City in '35. This says to me that everyone, at least in the United States, knows what a parking meter is and has at least seen someone work it.

Which is why it struck me as odd that both of these old folks looked at the thing like it just sprung up next to their car when they parked at might at any time jump out at them and rob them of their social security checks. Maybe they watched too much Get Smart and thought perhaps there was a secret agent hidden inside somewhere.

They looked at it. Circled it. Consulted with each other - which is how I know they weren't foreign and had never heard of a parcomètre. The old guy gave it a few squints and might have passed gas. I'm still not sure if they actually figured out the whole coin-in-the-slot part. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, though.

So, back to my original assumption. Apparently, when you're old, you get to forget how the basics of everyday life unfold. If there's a ticket on your car, it's ok because you're old and did not know the parking meter needed to be fed.

What? You're not supposed to empty your bowels into your pants?

Screw it, I'm doing it anyway.


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