Telepathy & Attempted Highway Homicide.
As much as I would like it, I guess I'm better off having not developed telepathic abilities.
"Why is that?" you ask, not really listening in the first place.
Well, I probably would have killed at least a dozen people today by broadcasting the words FAST LANE in giant neon flashing letters directly into their minds, causing instant brain aneurysms and a huge accident leading to hours worth of traffic jams.
Seriously, if you are going to drive around under the speed limit with a large cooler and several bulk packs of bottled water strapped haphazardly to the roof of your car, it may be best for all involved in the drive if you kept to the right of the four-lane-65-mph highway.
Only you can prevent forest fires.
"Why is that?" you ask, not really listening in the first place.
Well, I probably would have killed at least a dozen people today by broadcasting the words FAST LANE in giant neon flashing letters directly into their minds, causing instant brain aneurysms and a huge accident leading to hours worth of traffic jams.
Seriously, if you are going to drive around under the speed limit with a large cooler and several bulk packs of bottled water strapped haphazardly to the roof of your car, it may be best for all involved in the drive if you kept to the right of the four-lane-65-mph highway.
Only you can prevent forest fires.