Not A Transformers Review.

Not a Transformers review, just a small part of a Transformers review. Ain't It Cool News has several on their site, some with spoilers and some without. I only read the reviews without spoilers, as I would rather find out the important stuff by watching the movie. I do like to read the regular reviews on their site, as many are posted by fanboys such as myself.

So below is the greatest compliment I've ever seen a movie get by someone. Click on the quote and it will take you to the review itself.

"It was awesome. It was like a big honking slice of Awesome-toast buttered on both sides with awesome. It was a double serving of Hell Fucking Yeah with a side order of OMFG. If you are pumped for this, if you are ready to embrace this, if you want nothing more than to see mind blowing action unlike anything you have ever witnessed, then you will shit your shorts and giggle like a fucking school girl."

If that isn't a shining, glowing endorsement to go see Transformers, I don't know what is.

Autobots, transform and roll out!


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