Hollywood Needs To Explode.

I just read a story over on Ain't It Cool News that caused my blood to turn cold.

Apparently, The Powers That Be in Hollywood are planning on making Ace Ventura 3.

Normally, I would stand and applaud this decision, and explain to those I socialize with how great of an idea this really and truly is.

I cannot do that, unfortunately. They are making it without Jim Carrey.

"How is that even possible?" you ask with shock and no awe. Well, it seems they will be using the premise that has always worked so well in the past with sequels. It will be Ace Ventura's son that has the adventure. Something about a panda. It doesn't matter.

This hasn't worked before, and will not work now. I loved Dumb & Dumber. The sequel sucked. Or prequel, I guess. Why was it so bad? Because Jim Carrey wasn't in it. If you are going to a sequel, you must have both Carrey and Daniels.

Take a look at all the good sequels out there. Even good spinoffs. They have something in common. A true connection to the movie they are based upon. Not a suggested connection, like "It's his son," as is the case with this thing they are calling Ace Ventura 3.

I don't need to go on about this. Suffice to say, this is going to be awful. I feel bad for the kid they cast as Little Ace, because no one is going to like him. I thought Eric Christian Olsen, who played Lloyd in Dumb & Dumberer did a great job playing off of Jim Carrey's Lloyd. The movie still sucked, though. The guy who played Harry, in my opinion, was somewhat awful. No comic timing, no real connection to the other main character. It sucked.

This movie will suck, and it's a shame. I am a 30 year old man and I freaking love both Ace Ventura movies. They are individually awesome. I fully enjoy when Carrey goes over the top and it works.

This movie is a worse idea than Alvin and the Chipmunks. And we know how I feel about that.


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