This Morning At The Gas Station.

(Originall written November 2, 2006)

This morning, I was leaving Nichole's and had to stop and get gas, as my gas light was on in the car and when that happens your car is telling you it will soon needs gas or you will have to walk which amounts to exercise and neither of us wants that. Also, gas near her house is $2.03 per gallon, which is better than near my house, priced higher.

First, turning into the gas station, I had to sit behind a minivan for a minute while the minivan driver decided what she wanted to do, her choices being sit in one spot and not move or actually pull up to the pump. After choosing the first choice, she then moved on to the second. Congrats. Then, I had to stop again while someone backed out of a spot on the side of the station. When they were fully backed out and ready to proceed forward and out of the station, a Complete Idiot in a pick-up truck cuts quickly in front of them to park in that spot, instead of doing what Not Complete Idiots would do and let them get on their way, then pull in.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call him a Complete Idiot. That was a rush to judgement. What he really was was a Total Douche.

Finally, after all the fanfare was done, I found myself a pump and parked. ***Quick Note here: There were 3 pumps. Farthest, middle, closest. Someone was at the farthest, someone was at the closest, leaving the middle. My beef: The person at the closest could have pulled right up to the middle one, leaving whoever needed some gas to pull in behind them. Instead, I had to essentially parallel park myself into a gas-pumping position.

But I didn't write this to tell you all that.

I saw a guy, white dude, long in the face, kind of a big nose, skinny. Long hair bunched into a kind-of-nappy knot in the back of his head. Wearing a black leather trench coat, t-shirt, jeans, flip flops with black socks. Had just purchased one large Slim-Jim and a container of blue Gatorade. He had no car. He walked out of the gas station convenience area, stopped at a pump to put down his Gatorade and open his Slim Jim, then walked to the corner by the intersection. Pushed the button. Ate the Slim Jim while pacing back and forth. Crossed.

I just thought that was kind of wierd. The whole Slim-Jim-Blue-Gatorade thing at 7:45am or so in the morning.

Seriously. Very odd.


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