This Evening At The Grocery Store.

This evening I went to Safeway to get some dinner during my dinner break as that is what society dictates one does while on a dinner break and far be it for me to buck the trends of society. So I went to Safeway, and purchased a Ready-Made roast beef sandwich on wheat, a bag of lettuce for a salad that may or may not poison me depending on which news station and/or internet news outlet you believe, and a small container of pre-sliced, pre-de-seeded watermelon.

Pretty nice little dinner.

I made my way to the register, first eyeing every single line for the least amount of customers and least amount of purchases said customers were making, and made ready to purchase my Pretty nice little dinner. As my food was being dragged across the radioactive laser beam scanner, a man came up behind me in line pushing a cart. This cart had nothing in it, aside from 44 containers of yogurt. I know because I counted 44 of them. I could be off by a couple, but the main thrust of this is that the man had an exorbitant amount of yogurts. If there were, say, 10, this would not be written.

But there weren't ten. There were 44. Ish.

Along with the yogurts, he also had one small bag of undescribable candy, undescribable because it was a white paper bag and I have not yet received my much-wished-and-often-prayed-for superpowers, one of which would be X-Ray vision. To see through women's shirts. Natch.

How much yogurt is safe to eat on a daily basis? And how many must you eat a day to keep it from going bad, as most dairy tends to do? Shouldn't you buy at least 2 boxes of Grape Nuts cereal to go with the yogurt? Or are you the Patriarch of a family who simply cannot get enough yogurt?

However any question is answered, 44 containers of yogurt is odd.

Although, several weeks ago I did witness a woman buying 12 cans of tuna. That seemed excessive at the time.

So go buy stock in Dannon. Apparently it's all the rage.


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