Shady Office Folk.

So Comcast SportsNet Mid-Atlantic, where I am employed, is located in a tall office building in Bethesda. This building rents out office space to businesses looking to do business from the confines of an office space. Some floors are devoted entirely to one company, others have different companies on the same floor. This is a common thing in office buildings. It's okay, I didn't know at first either.

We were originally located on the 1st and 2nd floors. The studio and control room, where I spend the majority of my time, could be found on the 1st floor, while upstairs housed the News department, Master Control, editors, feed room, creative services, etc. There were people in another building across the street, but that holds no relevance to this soon-to-be-highly-entertaining blog.

On a side note: We refer to the anchors, producers, APs, and such as News even though we do all sports. It may seem a bit odd but it works, so just let it be.

A new studio and control room and newsroom and stuff was built on the 6th floor of the building not too too long ago, and we moved the operation up. Part of our staff stayed on the 2nd floor, and all the people dealing directly with the shows we produce came upstairs. From what I was privy to, we were supposed to take over the entire floor and have all of our offices and staff in one large area. Also from what I was privy to, someone dropped the ball and did not rent it all out in time, allowing another company to take the space we had not yet acquired.

I told you all that to tell you this: There are no signs, logos, or indication that there is any other company but ours on the 6th floor. In the lobby, there is a glass wall displaying where each company is located in the building. The one that shares our floor has nothing there. When the elevators open onto our floor, there are several Comcast SportsNet posters framed around the elevators. This says to the average elevator rider, "Hey, this floor has Comcast SportsNet on it."

If you stand looking through the large windows in front of our newsroom, turn to your right. There is a short hallway, with a solid wood door at the end. A small electronic device is attached to the wall beside it, where you wave your little electronic key pass to unlock the door. The door is plain, no signs. The hallway is plain. Every now and then I have seen people come out of it, or passed a non-descript office worker in the hallway on the way to the bathroom. This is how I know there are people who work through that door.

What do they do? Who are they? Who do they work for? What kind of company doesn't tell anyone what kind of company they are? What are they doing back there? I tried my electronic key pass on their door. Didn't work. I'm contemplating on hovering around the hall and heading in when someone opens it up.

There is no window on the door, did I mention that? Are they being sequestered because of the nature of their work? Maybe they are in the espionage business and could tell me but would have to kill me. This has just been bothering me for awhile and I desperately needed to get it off my chest.

I hope no one past that door reads it.


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