Quick Notes.

So it was released today that Anthony Michael Hall is joining the cast of The Dark Knight. Apparently his role is of some importance, as according to him he is seen throughout the movie. There has already been much fan-boy debate and assumption over what his role will be, from mainstream choices such as the Riddler, to more recent characters like Tommy Elliot (a childhood friend of Bruce Wayne's who ends up trying to kill him, in short), also known as Hush.

Obviously we all just need to wait and see, but while we do, allow me to offer my explanation (which is probably extremely accurate). My guess is as follows:

Anthony Michael Hall will in fact be playing The Riddler, real name Edward Nigma. Get it? E. Nigma? Yes, yes I know. Nigma will be incarcerated in the film, most like in Arkham Asylum, Gotham's home to the criminally insane. After having virtually no luck in catching the Joker, the protagonists in the film will use Nigma as a Silence of the Lambs kind of sounding board to try and figure out what the Joker will do next. Gordon and Harvey Dent will be the ones that decide to go to him for aid. In my thinking, Batman will not be agreeable to using Nigma and not trust his findings. Perhaps this will set up some kind of Riddler action in the third movie, although the thrust of that one will undoubtedly be the transformation of Harvey Dent into Two-Face and his subsequent loss of sanity.

So there you have it. Mark the date and time, because you heard it here first.

I work for Comcast SportsNet, and therefore I work, ultimately, for Comcast. A few days ago, our cable suddenly went from Only Showtime (Dexter returns in October!) to All The Channels. I get free cable, working for Comcast. So I called today to ask whether or not the cable had been switched over from Nichole's account to mine and the man I spoke to said he could not tell me, I had to contact my HR. I gently pleaded with him to just take a look, not make any changes or anything, just look and tell me if it had been switched over, because I am expecting a DVR and Internet to go along with the one cable box I already have. No can do.

So Nichole calls me tonight and says she called about the cable being out. They could not find her account, so she gave them my name. The woman she spoke to clicked a few buttons, then told her Yes, the account has been switched to me, Yes, they will be giving us money back for the two previous bills we paid, Yes, someone will be coming by Wednesday to install the internet and hook up our DVR, and Yes, cable has been out here and there and will be fixed shortly.

So my question is why could the young man I spoke with earlier not just tell me that?

Why would a company make it so hard for their employees to get information about their own accounts?

It took just over fifty dollars to fill my tank today. Gas was $3.12 per gallon. That really grinds my gears.


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