The Winchester, Defined. Possibly some ranting.

The question hasn't come up, but I'm going to answer it for you anyway.

"Why The Winchester?" you ask with some puzzlement and an all-consuming need for an explanation.

The Winchester stems from one of the greatest movies ever. It's a movie that transcends genre, and hits with a perfect blend of comedy, drama, romance, and zombie attacks. This movie is Shaun of the Dead.

There are few movies I would describe as perfect. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is one. Shawshank Redemption is another. Dumb and Dumber. Citizen Cane.

Shaun of the Dead falls easily into the category of a perfect movie. The two main characters, Shaun and Ed, are a perfect comedy team. They play off each other like they have been doing it forever. The movie itself is basically a comedy, but there are moments of pure drama that are both edge-of-your-seat type moments, as well as tragic. Seriously, there's a scene near the end that almost makes you want to cry, then you gasp, then you see someone ripped open by zombies.

It's been labeled a zom-rom-comedy. Zombie Romantic Comedy.

Quick overview: Shaun is a regular guy, trouble with his girlfriend, dopey friend who never quite grew up, rocky relationship with his stepfather. He works a dead-end job, visits the same bar every night, and is essentially going nowhere in life. Then, he goes to sleep. Upon waking, the world has changed, and zombies are everywhere. Time to save the day.

Sort of. Not save the day like he saves mankind and is a hero. No, he plans to save his day. The people he cares about. Girlfriend, Mom, Friends, etc.

One of the great things about the movie is how easy it is to like Shaun. You tend to like him immediately. He's not good looking, doesn't have a lot of money. Lives in a townhouse with two other guys, and one of them is Ed, who it seems came over one day and never left. By the way, you'll like Ed too. You'll want to smack him in the head a couple times, but he tends to steal the show. I use his "two seconds" catchphrase all the time.

After watching the movie, re-watch it and pay attention. You see the same scenes, the same people, some of the same jokes throughout the movie, and it doesn't get old. Everything ties back into itself. As far as the zombie thing goes, you can see and feel it coming, and it makes you want to shake Shaun out of his general complacency and tell him to get the hell out of England.

I'm not going into too much detail here because I really want you to go watch the movie. It is totally worth it.

Now. Remember when we started, and you weren't wondering where I got my blog's name from? The bar Shaun and Ed frequent is called The Winchester, and it plays a major role in the movie. It is also a bar that any one of us would love to have as our local watering hole.

All in all, this is sort of my own personal homage to Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg, the men who wrote the movie. Wright also directed it, and Simon plays Shaun. These guys are also responsible for the movie Hot Fuzz that came out recently. Also very good.

You've got red on you.


Anonymous said…
I am so glad you clarified tjis..i was wondering but didnt wanna be tthe 1st to ask.


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