Dark Knight Update. Of Sorts.
I have only the highest expectation for The Dark Knight. I typically feel this way about almost all comic book movies, but this one especially. I didn't even feel this good about Spiderman 3 and the first two were excellent. Batman Begins was a great re-introduction to Batman movies, and I think (the director) Christopher Nolan and (writer) David Goyer really got it right. Christian Bale was an inspired choice and is my favorite to play the character since Michael Keaton. Keaton might still be my favorite, though.
Be that as it may, I think the reason I am so geeked for this movie is the Joker being the villian. As you may have gathered from a previous post, I am totally gay for the Joker. Best... villian... ever. I was over at ComingSoon.net earlier and saw a story about some new pics from the new Batman movie.
The first here is supposedly the Jokermobile, so to speak. This is allegedly the car the Joker will be driving in the movie.

This is great, because in most of the stories written by Jeph Loeb and illustrated by Tim Sale, one of the best duos to put out a comic book - and definitely the best Batman team - the Joker tends to drive something like this. The purple, the kind-of-beat-up look is perfect, as I can't imagine the Joker driving around something shiny and new.
Although he did used to drive a Jokermobile with his face really big on the front of the car.
The next pic is of Batman's new look. It is pretty similar to the suit from Batman Begins, with some new twists here and there. One of which is a modification done to the actual mask. It has been separated from the neck in a way that allows for more movement of the head. Before, he would have to do a half turn of his torso to look around, whereas the new mask will allow for natural movement. Should help in defeating bad guys, I would think.

As of now: July 18, 2008 release date.
Be that as it may, I think the reason I am so geeked for this movie is the Joker being the villian. As you may have gathered from a previous post, I am totally gay for the Joker. Best... villian... ever. I was over at ComingSoon.net earlier and saw a story about some new pics from the new Batman movie.
The first here is supposedly the Jokermobile, so to speak. This is allegedly the car the Joker will be driving in the movie.

This is great, because in most of the stories written by Jeph Loeb and illustrated by Tim Sale, one of the best duos to put out a comic book - and definitely the best Batman team - the Joker tends to drive something like this. The purple, the kind-of-beat-up look is perfect, as I can't imagine the Joker driving around something shiny and new.
Although he did used to drive a Jokermobile with his face really big on the front of the car.
The next pic is of Batman's new look. It is pretty similar to the suit from Batman Begins, with some new twists here and there. One of which is a modification done to the actual mask. It has been separated from the neck in a way that allows for more movement of the head. Before, he would have to do a half turn of his torso to look around, whereas the new mask will allow for natural movement. Should help in defeating bad guys, I would think.

As of now: July 18, 2008 release date.