Real Men Wear Pink?

How did this happen?

I know it's not exactly a "new" fashion trend, but I would like to know: Who was the first man to look at a pink button down shirt and think to himself, "Man, I could really pull this off."

I don't understand it. When I was a boy, PINK was for girls, BLUE was for boys. All the other colors were interchangeable. Yellow and red and orange and green, pretty much any other colors were okay to switch around. Even girls could do blue. No problem.

Pink, though, equals girls. It always has, and everyone knows it. When the phrase, "It's a girl!!!" is exclaimed, screamed, or morosely uttered, the color associated with the pronouncement of gender is pink. In contrast, when the phrase "It's a boy!!!" is morosely uttered, screamed, or exclaimed, the color associated with the pronouncement of this opposite gender is most certainly not pink.

So again, how did this happen?

I see men walking around with light pink button down short sleever shirts tucked into their khaki shorts. There are men having dinner with bright neon pink polo shirts. Men are pulling up cute pink shorts over their tighty-whities. Believe me, every man wearing pink is also wearing tighty-whities. If I still wore them, I guess I could wear pink too.

Underneath sport coats, men are rocking the pink for all it's worth. Well I say thee nay. Pink is not a manly color, it is the color of girls, usually age Zero to Young Adult. Older women can wear pink, sure, but typically you will see the most pink on a young child of the fairer sex.

Any father who places a pink shirt on his young boy needs to be immediately stripped of his Dad Card and made to walk the streets in a dress.

Then again, some yuppie might get wind of this and decide it's going to be the new male "thing".

I have my evening gown on stand-by.


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