On A Side Note...

Who the hell let K-Fed back into the news??

The word is that K-Fed has been talking more and more with Britney, while at the same time it comes out that he may have impregnated his ex-girlfriend (who he left for Britney. While his ex was pregnant and already had one kid by him.) Shar Jackson. This has been vehemently denied by Shar. Or her representative. Do no-name people have representation?

Anyway, all that doesn't matter. What matters is that K-Fed's 15 minutes should have officially expired, and no one should talk about what he is doing at any time. This person needs to be forgotten as a temporary celebrity and banished from any and all headlines. In fact,
I really shouldn't even be talking about him right now.

With Paris in jail, these tabloid folk seem to be confused as to what they are supposed to do after getting out of bed.


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