How Big The Trees Are.

I was over one of Nichole's friends' house the other evening, standing on his back deck and chatting with a few of her other friends. One of them, John, made a random comment of the size of the trees. This is not a direct quote, as it was from Friday night and the quality of my memory does not last that long, but it was something like:

"Have you noticed how big the trees are?"

That simple question had never crossed my mind, and I don't know why. I've lived in the Columbia area for pretty much my whole life. With the exception of a combined 8 years on the eastern shore, I have lived in this area. For those unfamiliar with my personal geography, Columbia is basically a suburb of Baltimore. Roughly 15-20 minutes outside of the city.

It didn't hit me much when it came up, probably because it was around 10pm or so. The next day, though, Nichole and I were driving around and looking at houses for sale. I would like to be able to move into my own home by this time next year-ish, so we were just looking around, seeing what we liked and what would be a good fit. As we were driving by my old neighborhood, I decided to take a spin around, just for old times' sake.

Damned if the trees weren't big. Seriously, I've never thought about time passing. You think, Man, it's been 12 years since I graduated high school, or I remember you when you were this big, or Really? No winning season in ten years?

That kind of thing seems to be how we relate to a large amount of time passing. If you really want a feel of time passing, go look at the trees around where you grew up. It's almost daunting. Those things were huge. They were big when I was little, and now they're gigantic. All of them. All around the townhouses and by the creek and in the woods.

Big trees. Time flies.


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