Pulling My Weight. To Lose Said Weight.

As of today, I will have been a member of Weight Watchers for nine days. This may have been the longest commitment to a healthy activity I have ever not quit.

I have told myself before, "I'm definitely gonna start working out," as I started the second quarter of an important football game... on Madden... on PlayStation. "I need to eat better," while finishing off that pesky last bit of the half a DiGiorno pizza I just demolished. "I'm going to start going to the gym," which is similar to the first quote, which is something I said while passing an apartment complex gym while heading out to pick up the Chinese I just ordered so I can chow down while watching the movie I picked up from Hollywood video that I plan to watch while I eat that Chinese food. The food I ordered enough of to feed two people. The food that will be eaten only by myself.

I'm actually drooling now.

So I was warned by a friend of mine that when starting a diet and while maintaining said diet, you will think of food constantly. This, I have found, was not a lie. There are times when I don't think about it. When I was driving to work today, I found myself not thinking about food. I noticed this, then immediately dreamed up a deep-fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich with pastrami. OOH! And jalapenos.


As I was saying, food seems to be foremost on my mind now. It's not that I'm sitting around thinking about what I can't have anymore, like half a pizza or a drippy cheesesteak sub with onions and hots and a side of jalapeno poppers, it's more along the lines of what I can have. What I can eat, and how it equates to the point system I'm working with. For example, one beer equals 3 points. I haven't had a beer yet since I've been on the diet, so that might have not been the best example, but still. I guess I'm thinking about beer. That's normal, though.

I think about what I can make that will be both filling enough, healthy enough, and taste good. There is plenty to choose from, I've found, which makes it even easier to sit around and think about. Right now, I have several fillets of catfish in my freezer. We (Nichole is on the diet as well) are planning on having that on Thursday. Here it is, Tuesday, and I have already thought about a couple different ways to cook it. I'm leaning more towards lemon-pepper. Something lemon-peppery.

Then I go into the veggies. I can eat almost as much as I'd like when it comes to vegetables, but the problem there is the small amount of vegetables I actually like. Carrots. I like carrots. There are others, but they require some doctoring for me to enjoy them. I can do broccoli, but I only like it drenched in some kind of dip. Blue cheese, preferably. "Cucumbers?" you ask for no real reason at all. No, don't like 'em.

I can do squash and zucchini, but I need to fancy them up. I can only use a little bit of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter - which, by the way, I can now believe - so that's out. We do have in our spice cabinet something called Garlic and Wine Seasoning which is most good, but too much of a good thing is probably against the rules somehow.

When all is said and done, though, I have lost over 5 pounds already. I am eating healthier, drinking a lot more water, urinating more often, and keeping myself from snagging the errant cookie from our Green Room or the leftover pizza Kelsey had for lunch that day. I have started a workout program, 2 times a week for only about 15 minutes or so. 3 days a week I do some sort of cardio, both of these I can do in my living room while watching TV. I do some squats, push-ups, leg lift type things and some exercise where I lie on my side and lift myself up with my elbow. Hard to explain.

So far, I'm committed. Part of that comes from venturing into the Diet World not alone, but with Nichole. The other part is the $65 I spent on 3 months worth of Weight Watchers membership. It will take me longer than that to get where I want to be, so in the end I will have shelled out a lot more than that, but if I'm actually spending money on something I am inclined to make use of it. I mean, I pay for my car and use that every day.

Seeing it work is the biggest incentive, of course. Before, I would half-ass it and wonder why I couldn't lose weight. This time, I'm following all the rules and it is actually paying off.

Stick with it, it might just pay off. Who knew?


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