Well Would You Look What The Cat Dragged In.


Look who decided to show up!


And where have YOU been?


Lookie lookie who played hookie!


Just get on with it.

Okay then.  Bless me Blogger for I have sinned, it has been 2,778 days since my last online word vomit.  Unless you count Facebook.

7 years, 7 months, and 5 days.  I don't want to get into hours and minutes, as that can be googled on your own time, I've wasted enough of my own.  And isn't it somewhat telling as a society that we have designed spellchecks to recognize the word "google" as a verb?  And it doesn't have to be capitalized? 

As expected with such a long absence, things have certainly changed.  Teenage child, another not too far from adolescence himself.  Previously married, now divorced - long story and too serious a subject for my usual inane blabber that I do so, so, so, so well.  Same career, different location.  Beard now.  I brew beer.  Some new Star Wars movies have come out.  So we have a lot to catch up on, and catch up we shall.

But I'm at work right now and have a show to tape.  Such is the glamorous life of television!


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