Weight Loss Update.

I do not recall the last time I spoke of this, and to be quite frank with you, it may not have been on this blog.  Might have been the ol' MySpace page that I'm 30 and shouldn't have.

Well, I am down 32 pounds total so far.  Actually, that's probably at 30 or so now, as I gained a couple the other week.  Still, though, pretty good.  I still have a long way to go, but we're getting there.

This is with not being able to work out for a month, too.  Over the course of 4 weeks I was 1) sick, 102 fever; 2) Participated in the Polar Bear Plunge, which I intend to write about soon; 3) sick again, 102 fever again; 4) minor back surgery.  It was a fun run!

The back surgery was nothing bad, really.  I had two sebaceous cysts on the upper middle left-ish part of my back and had to have them drained and fixed and sewn up.  I would go into the whole draining thing and what came out, but I want to spare you in case you are reading this blog over supper as many, many people do.

Are you enjoying your goopy cottage cheese?

Right, so as a result of having two rows of stitches in my back, I wasn't able to hit the gym for two weeks.  Although during my fever weekends, I lost a total of 8 pounds.  Doing so by sweating, shivering, and not eating is not the ideal course.

I am just now getting back into the exercise routine, and am hoping being off of it for this long will shock my body into some more quicker weight loss.  Nothing drastic, just to help me crack that 200 lb mark.  I am currently chilling at 208 lbs, with a starting weight of 242 back in October.  I figure, in 4 more months I should be right around where I want to be.

When the time comes, you will know.  I will have been found dead of Massive Acute Pastryitis, lying in my dirty underwear surrounded by 14 boxes of Entenmenn's Raspberry Danish Twist.

God I love that stuff.


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