Inanimate Rage and You.
Alright, the title may be misleading. It's really about Inanimate Rage and Me, but it sounded more professional and official using the word You. At least, in my mind, which is really all that matters. I have an anger problem. I do not start fights with humans. I am not that confrontational, and refrain from physical scuffles whenever possible. I tend to attempt a verbal diffusion in fight situations, and if that doesn't work I (a) curl up into a ball and whimper, or (b) allow one of my more physically inclined and close to insane friends to take on an aggressor in my stead. It has worked so far, as I have not been in a fight, nor do I intend to get into one. When it comes to inanimate objects, I do not have such reserve. Inanimate objects produce obscene rage that I end up punching walls, breaking things, hitting counter tops , kicking couches, and cursing at items bereft of ears. My phone's external screen does not work anymore, after my phone did not act as it was...