No Pain, No Gain. And I'm Fine With That.
I am not what one would refer to as "in shape." I sport a decent beer belly, two small chins, and do not partake in exercise in the physical sense. If I was a super villian, I would be the Evil Genius , and not the Evil Strong Guy . So it stands to reason that after a day or two of relatively constant manual labor, I would be in pain. This was the case. Last Friday, we began moving into another apartment . We had a two bedroom, and are upgrading our living space to a two bedroom with den model. All the same dimensions as the other apartment for the most part, with the luxury of an extra room for my Real Dolls and random toy collection. The ceiling is also kind of diagonal, and has a ceiling fan. Lastly, a fireplace adorns on of our walls. Great for a nice, quiet cuddle and the burning of suspicious documents. Let me say this right off. Well, almost right off. Just a little ways in, is more accurate. I hate moving. Hate . I have moved more than any human should be made to mov...